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Walgreens or Affordable Scanning for your slide scanning needs? ten free demo scans

Should You Take Your 35mm Slides To Costco, Walgreens or Affordable Scanning?

We go to Costco at least once a week. It is a great place for buying bulk food, TVs and other Electronics and toilet paper is their biggest seller and their Hot Dogs and rotisserie chicken are just delicious and a great deal. Their return policy is better than any other place where we do business and they have an automatic extended warranty on TVs. Costco just is not a good place to take your slides to have them scanned, if you care in the least about what your final images are going to look like. Costco had a special on digitizing slides, photos and movies and vhs tapes, last month. We thought it would be interesting to take the same slides that we tested Walgreens with, and have them scan these same slides. Took about four weeks for them to turn around a minimal order because they ship them off somewhere and then they have to be shipped back again to the local store.

costco walgreensWhen we picked the slides and disk up last week, we couldn't believe the huge bin with "done scan jobs" that they had in the photo department. We asked about that bin and the kid said that it was that full because of their special sale last month. After seeing what they did with our test scans, we can't help thinking that there are an awful lot of VERY disappointed Costco customers out there this week. We thought that Walgreens did a horrible job of scanning slides but Costco is SO much worse. If you could settle for this type of poor results, we would say that you would probably be happy with using the "Only good enough for a doorstop" scanners and doing the poor scanning yourself. If we didn't think better of Costco, we would say that this was the equipment that they were using with the slide scanning they did for us. We can't think of any other reason why their scans are so terrible.

Costco is a good warehouse store and also an adequate place to get your photo prints made but, Costco is NOT a competent slide scanning operation. Besides doing a completely inadequate job of scanning slides, they are farming out your slides to some third party, which, at any time in the future, could be located anywhere in the world, to do the work. Costco is merely taking your order. They are shipping your slides off to someone else to do the work. Among other things, this is not good because you lose possession of your family heirlooms completely. You have no idea where your slides are at or who is working on them. When you take or ship them to Affordable Scanning, they stay at our offices until we are finished with your project. There is no shipping to a mass scanning operation in India or some other foreign country as some other scanning companies do. (We are not saying that Costco does this, or even Walgreen's, but they do farm the work out to subcontractors.)

Don't just take our word for our tests at Costco and Walgreen's. We offer to do a Free sample scan of TEN of your slides and a DVD slide-show demo disk. We usually turn this around within a week or so. Send us ten of your slides and get your images back and THEN send the SAME ten slides to Costco or Walgreen's or any other service and get their free sample scans. Then compare the results. We do not fear the results. We look forward to the results because we know that you are going to be so much happier with what we can do for your slide collection than you will get from any other scanning company. Don't settle for poor, uncaring "workmanship".
Yes, we can back this all up with the original disks from Costco and Walgreens and we still have the original slides.
Walgreen's Scan
Costco Scan

costco yellowstone

People that get their scans done at Costco or Walgreens or anywhere else have no idea that they could have done much better. You don't have to settle for poor workmanship. We are the alternative.

Affordable Scanning
Walgreen's Scan
Costco Scan
costco tv
Affordable Scanning
Walgreen's Scan
Costco Scan

These scans are from a 126 size slide. 126 slides are almost square. Notice how Walgreen's cropped the top and bottom off the scan and then left the black bars on the sides. We scan the whole 126 slide and we precision crop each image so there are no black bars or dirty edges.

costco house

Affordable Scanning
Walgreen's Scan
Costco Scan

These scans are from the 110 size slide. Notice how the slide scan is zoomed in and the Walgreen's slide scan has black on all sides. Also notice how the highlights and details of the Walgreen's scan are all blown away. Our final 110 slide scans will be the same size as regular 35mm images. Costco did not do a horrible job on this scan but the whites are tinted yellow and it is not as clear and sharp as's work.

costco birthday cake

Affordable Scanning
Walgreen's Scan
Costco Scan

The Walgreen's scan is flat and not sharp at all and the Costco scan has an awful reddish tint to it. The Affordable scan is sharp, bright and color correct.

costco house and shrubs

Affordable Scanning
Walgreen's Scan
Costco Scan

Why would anyone be satisfied with either the Costco or the Walgreen's scan of this mountain scene? The Affordable scan is so vibrant in color and sharpness. The Walgreen's scan is flat and colorless. The Costco scan is so awfully red tinted and unnatural.

costco mountain


Affordable Scanning
Walgreen's Scan
Costco Scan

mountain lake costco

Affordable Scanning
Walgreen's Scan
Costco Scan

parakeet costco

This scan is probably the best one that Costco did although it is very saturated and the details that show up in the Affordable Scanning scan are not shown in Costco's scan. Everything that Costco scanned has a very reddish or yellowish, ugly, tint to it.

Affordable Scanning
Walgreen's Scan
Costco Scan

costco park

Affordable Scanning
Walgreen's Scan
Costco Scan

costco grand canyon

These scans, above, are from a 127 Super Slide. Costco doesn't even scan these slides. We sent it in with our order and Costco sent it back with a note that they can't scan them.

Notice that the Walgreen's 127 scan is cropped down and you do not get the whole slide. Note the color corrections by Affordable Scanning's Photoshop artists. You get this expert color work on each scan. Many discolored images can be brought back to life again by our experts. No extra charge!

If you are not convinced as yet, that you are going to get better scanning at Affordable Scanning than you will at Walgreen's, do a test yourself. Send us ten of your slides and let us do a free sample scan for you. You will be very glad you did.




Always compare our free sample scans to our competitors Affordable 35mm Slide Scanning Services